パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > ADIデータシート > ADI-150
5KRM-REEL AD8400AR50 AD7581KN AD7501SE REF196GBC AD7543GBQ ADM812RART-REEL AD7742BR AD767KP AD977CN ADM810JART-REEL-7 AD647 AMP04 AD1583 OP450 AD633JR ADM1052JR AD976 AD7502KQ AD630 AD841 ADV7175A AD9058AJD ADG513BN AD976CN AD5240KD AD842 ADP3333ARM-3
パートいいえ | メーカー | アプリケーション |
AD572AD | ADI | 12-bit successive approximation integrated circuit A/D converter |
AD843 | ADI | 34 MHz, CBFET Fast Settling Op Amp |
ADP3415KRM-REEL | ADI | 0.3-7V; dual MOSFET driver with bootstrapping |
AD8400AR50 | ADI | 0.3-8V; 1/2/4-channel digital potentiometers. For mechanical potentiometer replacement, programmable filters, delays, time constants, volume control, panning, line impendance matching, power supply adjustment |
AD7581KN | ADI | +7.0V; 1000mW; CMOS uP-compatible 8-bit, 8-channel DAS |
AD7501SE | ADI | 8-channel analog multiplexer |
REF196GBC | ADI | 0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors |
AD7543GBQ | ADI | 0 to +7V; 670mW; CMOS serial input 12-bit DAC |
ADM812RART-REEL | ADI | 0.3-6V; 200mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, controllers, intelligent instrumnets, automotive systems, safety systems, portable instruments |
AD7742BR | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; single and multichannel, synchronous voltage-to-frequency converter |
AD767KP | ADI | 0 to 18V; 1000mW; microprocessor-compatible 12-bit D/A converter |
AD977CN | ADI | 25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter |
ADM810JART-REEL-7 | ADI | 0.3-6V; 20mA; 320mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers, intelligent instruments, automotive systems |
AD647 | ADI | Ultralow Drift, Dual BiFET Op Amp |
AMP04 | ADI | Precision Single Supply Instrumentation Amplifier |
AD1583 | ADI | 3.0V Micropower, Precisions Series Mode Voltage References |
OP450 | ADI | CMOS Single-Supply Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifier |
AD633JR | ADI | Low cost analog multiplier |
ADM1052JR | ADI | 14V; 650mW; precision dual voltage regulator controller. For desktop computers, servers, workstations |
AD976 | ADI | 16-Bit, 100 kSPS, Parallel I/O A/D Converter |
AD7502KQ | ADI | 4-channel analog multiplexer |
AD630 | ADI | Balanced Modulator/Demodulator |
AD841 | ADI | Wideband, Unity-Gain Stable, Fast Settling Op Amp |
ADV7175A | ADI | Digital Video Encoder with Macrovision with Anticopy Circuitry |
AD9058AJD | ADI | 1.5-2.5V; 20mA; dual 8-bit 50 MSPS A/D converter. For quadrature demodulation for communication, digital oscilloscopes |
ADG513BN | ADI | 44V; 30-100mA; CMOS precision quad SPST switch. For battery-powered intruments, single supply systems, remote powered equipment, 5V supply systems |
AD976CN | ADI | 16-bit, 100 kSPS BiCMOS A/D converters |
AD5240KD | ADI | Fast complete, 12-bit A/D converter |
AD842 | ADI | Wideband, High Output Current, Fast Settling Op Amp |
ADP3333ARM-3 | ADI | 0.3-16V; high accuracy ultralow Iq, 300mA, anyCAP low dropout regulator. For cellular phones, PCMCIA cards, personal digital assistants (PDAs), DSP/ASIC supplies |