パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > ADIデータシート > ADI-165

AD568SQ AD8041AN AD557JN AD7575SQ AD20MSP415 ADM697AQ AD7892BN-2 AD826AN AD9773EB AD736JR-REEL ADSP-2101BG-100 AD5260BRU200-REEL7 AD7893SQ-5 EVAL-AD7475CB ADM811-3TART-RL7 AD1864P AD7672TE05 SSM2118TP AD9740ARU ADP1109AAR-3.3 AD6600AST AD7892BN-1 5962-8980501CA MLT04 AD558SD AD75

ADI データシートカタログ-165

AD8002ARM ADI13.2V; 10mA; dual 600MHz, 50mW current feedback amplifier. For A-to-D driver, video line driver, differential line driver
AD7545ACE ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; CMOS 12-bit buffered multiplying DAC
AD568SQ ADI0-18V; 5mA; 100mW; 12-bit ultrahigh speed monolithic D/A converter
AD8041AN ADI12.6V; 160MHz rail-to-rail amplifier with disable. For power sensitive high speed systems, video switches, distribution amplifiers, A/D driver
AD557JN ADIInputV0-18V; ouptutV0-2.56V; 450mW; DACPORT low cost, complete uP-compatible 8-bit DAC
AD7575SQ ADI-0.3 to +7.0V; 450mW; LC2MOS 8-bit ADC with track/hold
AD20MSP415 ADIGSM/DCS1800/PCS1900 Baseband Processing Chipset
ADM697AQ ADI0.3-6V; 600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
AD7892BN-2 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS single supply 12-bit high speed 600kSPS ADC
AD826AN ADI18V; high-speed, low-powered dual operational amplifier. For unity gain ADC/DAC buffer, cable drivers
AD9773EB ADI0.3-25V; 12-bit, 160MSPS 2x/4x/8x interpolating dual TxDAC+ D/A converter
AD736JR-REEL ADI+-16.5V; 200mW; low cost, low power, tue RMS-to-DC converter
ADSP-2101BG-100 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=1K, program memory=2K, 25 MHz
AD5260BRU200-REEL7 ADI0.3-15V; 1-/2-channel 15V digital potentiometers. For mechanical potentiometer replacement, instrumentation gain, offset adjustment, stereo channel audio level control, programmable voltage to current conversion, programmable filters, delays, ... etc.
AD7893SQ-5 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS 12-bit, serial 6 mS ADC
EVAL-AD7475CB ADIEvaluation board for for 1MSPS, 12-bit ADC
ADM811-3TART-RL7 ADI0.3-6V; 200mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, controllers, intelligent instrumnets, automotive systems, safety systems, portable instruments
AD1864P ADI0-13.2V; complete dual 18-bit audio DAC. For multichannel audio applications
AD7672TE05 ADI-0.3 to +7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS high-speed 12-bit ADC
SSM2118TP ADI18V; trimless voltage controlled amplifier
AD9740ARU ADI0.3-3.9V; 10-bit, 165MSPS TxDAC D/A converter
ADP1109AAR-3.3 ADIMicropower low cost fixed 3.3V DC-to-DC converter
AD6600AST ADI0-7V; dual channel, gain-ranging ADC with RSSI. For communications receivers, PCS/cellular base stations, GSM CDMA TDMA, wireless local loop, fixed access
AD7892BN-1 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS single supply 12-bit high speed 600kSPS ADC
5962-8980501CA ADI18V; 500mW; integrated circuit true RMS-to-DC converter
MLT04 ADIFour-Channel, Four-Quadrant Analog Multiplier
AD558SD ADIDACPORT low cost, complete uP-compatible 8-bit DAC
AD7545ABQ ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; CMOS 12-bit buffered multiplying DAC
ADM485JR ADINominal+5V; 450-500mW; EIA RS-485 transceiver. For low power RS-485 systems, DTE-DCE interface, packet switching, local area networks, data concentration
AD9040A/PCB ADI7V; 20mA; 10-bit 40MSPS A/D converter. For digital oscilloscopes, ultrasound medical imaging

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