パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > SANYOデータシート > SANYO-26

20 2SC3255 2SC4555 2SA2011 LC7218 LC863320A STK73907 2SC4976 LA7957 2SK1414 LC5874 LC74783 LB1407 LA9250M STK4190K5 2SD1047 STK4211V 2SA1475 STK401-040 2SA1419 2SB1123 LC74730M DL-3147-141 SBE802 2SC5042 FW114 LA70011M DZB20C

SANYO データシートカタログ-26

2SJ609 SANYOP-Channel Silicon MOSFET DC / DC Converter Applications
LC82102W SANYOImage processing circuit for FAX, copier and OCR product
LB1820 SANYO3-phase brushless motor driver
2SC3255 SANYONPN transistor 60V/10A for high-speed switching applications
2SC4555 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon transistor, low-frequency general-purpose amp application
2SA2011 SANYOPNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors DC/DC Converter Applications
LC7218 SANYOPLL frequency synthesizer for electronic tuning in AV system
LC863320A SANYO8-bit single chip microcontroller, on-chip ROM=20K, on-chip RAM=512 bytes
STK73907 SANYOSelf-excitation type feedback control switching regulator
2SC4976 SANYONPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors High-Definition CRT Display Video Output Applications
LA7957 SANYOVideo switch for TV/VCR use
2SK1414 SANYON-channel MOS silicon FET, high-voltage, high-speed switching application
LC5874 SANYO4-bit single-chip microcontroller with LCD driver (6KB ROM)
LC74783 SANYOOn-screen display controller LSI for VCR product
LB1407 SANYOAC/DC voltage level meter
LA9250M SANYOCD Player Analog Signal Processor (ASP)
STK4190K5 SANYO50W x 2-channel power amplifier
2SD1047 SANYONPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, 140V/12A, AF 60W output application
STK4211V SANYO2-channel 70W AF power amplifier
2SA1475 SANYOPNP epitaxial planar silicon transistor, very high-definition CTR display video-output application
STK401-040 SANYO2-channel, 25+25W AF power amplifier (split power supply)
2SA1419 SANYOPNP transistors for high-voltage switching applications
2SB1123 SANYOPNP epitaxial planar silicon transistor, high-current switching application
LC74730M SANYOOn-screen display controller LSI
DL-3147-141 SANYOIndex guided ALGalnP laser diode
SBE802 SANYO100V, 400mA Rectifier
2SC5042 SANYONPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, very high-drfinition CTR display horizontal deflection output application
FW114 SANYOP-channel silicon MOS FET, S/W load application
LA70011M SANYORecording/playback amplifier for VHS VCR
DZB20C SANYOSilicon diffused junction type, 1W Zener diode

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