パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > Omnirelデータシート > Omnirel-11

T OM1325SMM COM7805T JAN1N6770R OMA541SDZ OM1912STM OM1322NMM 1N6763 2N6796 OM4003ST OM6214SS OM1850STM OM35F120HB OM5301RT JAN1N6769 2N6800 OM5212SC OM6233SS OM183-15NM OM6517SA OMD500 OM4202SC OM5223SM COM5201T OM5238ST OM5203ST OMR7805NM OM1812NMM OM1321NMM

Omnirel データシートカタログ-11

JANTXV2N6768 OmnirelN-channel enhancement mode MOSFET power transistor
OM5216ST Omnirel16Amp high efficiency, center-tap rectifier
OM1325SMM Omnirel1.5A three terminal, precision adjustable negative voltage regulator
COM7805T OmnirelThree terminal, fixed voltage, 1.5Amp precision positive regulator
JAN1N6770R Omnirel16Amp, 50-600V rectifier
OMA541SDZ Omnirel80V monolithic power operation amplifier
OM1912STM Omnirel1.5A; three terminal, low dropout voltage negative regulator
OM1322NMM Omnirel1.5A three terminal, precision adjustable negative voltage regulator
1N6763 Omnirel12A center-tap ultra-fast rectifier
2N6796 OmnirelN-channel enhancement mode MOSFET power transistor
OM4003ST Omnirel10Amp schottky rectifier
OM6214SS Omnirel100V dual high current, N-channel MOSFET
OM1850STM Omnirel3A three terminal, positive adjustable low dropout voltage regulator
OM35F120HB Omnirel1200V high current, high voltage IGBT with FRED diodes
OM5301RT Omnirel20Amp, ultra low forward voltage center-tap rectifier
JAN1N6769 Omnirel16Amp rectifier
2N6800 OmnirelN-channel enhancement mode MOSFET power transistor
OM5212SC Omnirel15Amp high efficiency rectifier
OM6233SS Omnirel1000V N-channel MOSFET
OM183-15NM Omnirel7.5A; three terminal, low dropout, fixed voltage, precision positive regulator
OM6517SA Omnirel1000V N-channel IGBT with a soft recovery diode
OMD500 Omnirel500V N-channel MOSFET
OM4202SC Omnirel30Amp 45V rating center-tap rectifier
OM5223SM Omnirel20Amp high efficiency, center-tap rectifier
COM5201T Omnirel50V high efficiency, center-tap rectifier
OM5238ST Omnirel10Amp high efficiency rectifier
OM5203ST Omnirel16Amp high efficiency, center-tap rectifier
OMR7805NM Omnirel300K rad tolerant three terminal positive fixed voltage regulator
OM1812NMM OmnirelThree terminal, fixed voltage, 1.5Amp precision positive regulator
OM1321NMM Omnirel1.5A three terminal, precision adjustable positive voltage regulator

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