パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > NPCデータシート > NPC-17

SM5158A CF5002LC SM5022B1H SM5002LBS CF5006AHA-1 SM5877AM SM5022A4H SM5006BNCS SM5132DS CF5009AL6 SM5133DM SM5610K7S CF5006AKC-1 SM5006CNES SM5619K1 SM5124A SM6610AD CF5010BN1-1 SM5021ACH CF5022A2-2 SM5006DKCS SM5852CS SM6451BV CF5005ALC-1 SM5009AL1S NR8576AB SM5840JP SM5865CM

NPC データシートカタログ-17

SM5624N1 NPCQuartz crystal oscillator mobile IC
SM5006ANDS NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5158A NPCSerial input PLL frequency synthesizer
CF5002LC NPCCrystal oscillator module IC, 50 to 70 MHz
SM5022B1H NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5002LBS NPCCrystal oscillator module IC, 40 to 50 MHz
CF5006AHA-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5877AM NPC2-channel D/A converter
SM5022A4H NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5006BNCS NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5132DS NPCTwo PLLs for cordless telephons
CF5009AL6 NPCCrystal oscillator module, 2.7V to 5.5V
SM5133DM NPCFrequency synthesizer PLL IC
SM5610K7S NPCIC for quartz crystal oscillating module
CF5006AKC-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5006CNES NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5619K1 NPCQuartz crystal oscillating IC
SM5124A NPCCB transceiver PLL
SM6610AD NPCCMOS monolithic temperature sensor IC
CF5010BN1-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5021ACH NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
CF5022A2-2 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5006DKCS NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5852CS NPCDynamic range compression LSI
SM6451BV NPCAudio variable volume IC
CF5005ALC-1 NPCCrystal oscillator module IC
SM5009AL1S NPCCrystal oscillator module, 2.7V to 5.5V
NR8576AB NPCReal-time clock module
SM5840JP NPCAudio multi-finction digital filter
SM5865CM NPCD/A converter for digital audio

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