パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > Infineonデータシート > Infineon-26

6H KT100 LYA670-K SAF-C517A-4RM LRH380-CE LSYT676 BUZ172 HYB3118160BSJ-70 BUZ50C LGT672-MQ TLE4935-2G BUZ255 LGT670-L LY5469-F BCR166W TCA785 BPX48 BB565 SFH426 ILD213 BTS114A LPP380-N BF720 HYB39S256160T-10 HYM72V1630GS-60 BSS63 LO3340-N HYS64V32220GU-8

Infineon データシートカタログ-26

BCW61B InfineonPNP silicon AF transistor
BFY182P InfineonHiRel NPN silicon RF transistor
BFY196H InfineonHiRel NPN silicon RF transistor
KT100 InfineonSilicon spreading resistance temperature sensor
LYA670-K InfineonYellow SIDELED
SAF-C517A-4RM Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller with mask programmable ROM
LRH380-CE InfineonRed 5mm symbol LED
LSYT676 InfineonMulti super-red/yellow TOPLED
BUZ172 InfineonP-channel SIPMOS power transistor
HYB3118160BSJ-70 Infineon1M x 16bit EDO-DRAM
BUZ50C InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
LGT672-MQ InfineonGreen TOPLED
TLE4935-2G InfineonUni- and bipolar hall IC switching for magnetic field application
BUZ255 InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
LGT670-L InfineonGreen TOPLED
LY5469-F Infineon5mm yellow LED
BCR166W InfineonPNP silicon digital transistor
TCA785 InfineonPhase control IC
BPX48 InfineonSilicon differential photodiode
BB565 InfineonSilicon tuning diode
SFH426 InfineonGaAs infrared emitter
ILD213 Infineon2-channel phototransistor optocoupler
BTS114A InfineonN-channel TEMPFET
LPP380-N InfineonPure green 3mm LED
BF720 InfineonPNP silicon high-voltage transistor
HYB39S256160T-10 Infineon256Mbit Synchronous DRAM
HYM72V1630GS-60 Infineon16M x 72bit DRAM module
BSS63 InfineonPNP silicon AF switching transistor
LO3340-N InfineonOrange LED
HYS64V32220GU-8 Infineon100 MHz 32M x 64 2 bank SDRAM module

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