パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > Infineonデータシート > Infineon-133

H610A-1 BAR16-1 BAT15-104ES LS5460-J SAB88C166W-5M SAB-C502-LN PSB4596 LY5480-JM HYB3165400AT-50 TLE4276DV LG3380-J BUZ100SL BC850CW PEB2466-H BSM121AR HYB5116160BSJ-60 BC617 HYB3165405AJ-50 BB669 BC808-16 KPY43R TLE5250 HYB514400BJ-60 LVS260-DO BUZ101SL HYB39S64160ATL-10 SAB-C51

Infineon データシートカタログ-133

BFP183 InfineonNPN silicon RF transistor
BAT15-103H InfineonHiRel Silicon schottky diode
SFH610A-1 InfineonOptocoupler high reliability, isolation 5300V
BAR16-1 InfineonSilicon PIN diode
BAT15-104ES InfineonHiRel Silicon schottky diode
LS5460-J Infineon5mm super-red LED
SAB88C166W-5M Infineon16-bit CMOS microcontroller (1KByte RAM, 32 KByte Flash EEPROM)
SAB-C502-LN Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller for external memory (12 MHz)
PSB4596 InfineonAnalog Line Interface Solution
LY5480-JM Infineon5mm yellow LED
HYB3165400AT-50 Infineon16M x 4bit DRAM
TLE4276DV InfineonLow-drop voltage regulator
LG3380-J InfineonGreen LED
BUZ100SL InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
BC850CW InfineonNPN silicon AF transistor
PEB2466-H Infineon4-channel codec filter with PCM and m-controler interface
BSM121AR InfineonSIMOPAC module
HYB5116160BSJ-60 Infineon1M x 16-DRAM
BC617 InfineonNPN silicon darlington transistor
HYB3165405AJ-50 Infineon16M x 4bit DRAM
BB669 InfineonSilicon tuning diode
BC808-16 InfineonPNP silicon AF transistor
KPY43R InfineonSilicon piezoresistive relative pressure sensor
TLE5250 Infineon2,5A high performance smart power stepper-motor driver with diagnostic interface
HYB514400BJ-60 Infineon1M x 4bit DRAM
LVS260-DO InfineonSuper-red/super-red MULTILED
BUZ101SL InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
HYB39S64160ATL-10 Infineon64Mbit Synchronous DRAM
SAB-C517A-L24M Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller for external memory
LGC870-JM InfineonGreen mini SIDELED

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