パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > Infineonデータシート > Infineon-123

2RK HYB314100BJL-60 TDA5940-2 LYT676-QT BUP403 STM51004A BTS129 BUZ78 HYB3164800T-60 BSM15GD60DN2 HYB3164800AT-40 LY5480-HL BAT15-063S MCA231 BFP405 KOM2100B SAB-C513-1RN LS3341-MQ HYB3164400ATL-40 SAB-C505C-2RM SFH530 LGK380-Q SFH325-4 BAT15-099 SFH309P BUZ10 BCP68-25 LAE675-S2

Infineon データシートカタログ-123

LS3369-H InfineonSuper-red LED
BUZ334 InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
KPY62RK InfineonSilicon piezoresistive pressure sensor
HYB314100BJL-60 Infineon4M x 1bit DRAM
TDA5940-2 InfineonVideo and sound IF with V&S SCART
LYT676-QT InfineonYellow TOPLED
BUP403 InfineonIGBT
STM51004A Infineon1300 nm laser in receptacle package, medium power
BTS129 InfineonN-channel TEMPFET
BUZ78 InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
HYB3164800T-60 Infineon8M x 8bit DRAM
BSM15GD60DN2 Infineon600V/15A IGBT power module
HYB3164800AT-40 Infineon8M x 8bit DRAM
LY5480-HL Infineon5mm yellow LED
BAT15-063S InfineonHiRel Silicon schottky diode
MCA231 InfineonPhotodarlington optocoupler
BFP405 InfineonNPN silicon RF transistor
KOM2100B Infineon6-chip silicon PIN photodiode array
SAB-C513-1RN Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller with mask-programmable ROM
LS3341-MQ InfineonSuper-red LED
HYB3164400ATL-40 Infineon16M x 4bit DRAM
SAB-C505C-2RM Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller
SFH530 InfineonUltraviolet selective sensor
LGK380-Q InfineonGreen 3mm LED
SFH325-4 InfineonSilicon NPN phototransistor
BAT15-099 InfineonSilicon schottky diode
SFH309P InfineonSilicon NPN phototransistor
BUZ10 InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
BCP68-25 InfineonNPN silicon AF transistor
LAE675-S2 InfineonAmber TOPLED

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