パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > Hitachiデータシート > Hitachi-94

501M HD74ALVC162835 HZS4A3 HD74LS02 HM6264BLPI-12 HD14052B HM62W16255HTTI-15 2SK2929 2SJ553(S) HD66130T 2SC3127 HD14001B HM6264ALFP-10 HD68A40P HA12170NT HD74HCT243 HD74LS298 HD74BC245A 2SH30 2SC2899 HA17741PS HD63B01V1F 2SB1012(K) HM6216255HTT-10 HM628128DLP-7UL 2SJ546 HG62E75 2

Hitachi データシートカタログ-94

HM62W8512BLTT-7UL Hitachi4M SRAM (512-kword x 8-bit), 70ns access time
BB501M HitachiSmall signal high frequency amplifier field effect (FET) transistor
HD74ALVC162835 Hitachi18-bit Universal Bus Driver with 3-state Outputs for PC100
HZS4A3 Hitachi3.6-3.8V zener diode for stabilized power supply
HD74LS02 HitachiQuad. 2-input NOR Gates
HM6264BLPI-12 Hitachi64k SRAM (8-kword x 8-bit) wide temperature range version, 120ns access time
HD14052B HitachiDual 4-channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
HM62W16255HTTI-15 Hitachi4M high speed SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
2SK2929 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
2SJ553(S) HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HD66130T Hitachi320-channel low-voltage segment driver for dot-matrix STN liquid crystal display
2SC3127 HitachiNPN transistor for UHF/VHF wide band amplifier
HD14001B HitachiQuad. 2-input NOR Gates
HM6264ALFP-10 Hitachi8192-word x 8-bit high speed CMOS static RAM, 100ns
HD68A40P HitachiNMOS PTM (programmable timer module) with 1.5 MHz clock frequency
HA12170NT HitachiDolby B-and C-type noise reduction system
HD74HCT243 HitachiQuad. Bus Transceivers with non-inverted 3-state outputs
HD74LS298 HitachiQuad. 2-input Multiplexers with Storage
HD74BC245A HitachiOctal Bus Transceivers with 3-state outputs
2SH30 HitachiIGBT
2SC2899 HitachiNPN transistor for high speed and high voltage switching
HA17741PS HitachiSingle operational amplifier
HD63B01V1F Hitachi0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit
2SB1012(K) HitachiBipolar power switching Darlington transistor
HM6216255HTT-10 Hitachi4M high speed SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit), 10ns access time
HM628128DLP-7UL Hitachi1 M SRAM (128-kword x 8-bit), 70ns
2SJ546 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HG62E75 Hitachi0.3-6.7 V, master slice CMOS gate array
2SC2463 HitachiSmall signal general purpose transistor
2SD1126(K) HitachiBipolar power switching Darlington transistor

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