パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > Dynexデータシート > Dynex-55

AQ9264C70CS DS1112SG55 TF94430H MAS28140FD NMAS31750FE XT2116-801 MP03/175-16 MAQ28155LL MAS9264T70CE MAR9264T70NL MP03/175-12 MAR3690CB MAQ3690FD MAS28139NL TK3612M MAH28155CE MAQ17502LS MAQ3690CD MAS1916LE DF68545 MAH28151LV ACR400SE12 DSF2054SF40 TF91514C MAS1916CD MAS9264T95C

Dynex データシートカタログ-55

MAQ3693FD Dynex1553B bus controller/remote terminal
TV2212FK Dynex1200V fast recovery diode
MAQ9264C70CS DynexRadiation hard 8192 x 8 bit static RAM
DS1112SG55 Dynex5500V rectifier diode
TF94430H Dynex3000V fast switching thyristor
MAS28140FD DynexPacket telecommand decoder
NMAS31750FE DynexHigh performance MIL-STD-1750 microprocessor
XT2116-801 Dynex800V fast turn-off asymmetric thyristor
MP03/175-16 Dynex1600V phase control dual SCR, SCR/diode module
MAQ28155LL DynexGeneral purpose programmable device designed for the MAS281 microprocessor
MAS9264T70CE DynexRadiation hard 8192 x 8 bit static RAM
MAR9264T70NL DynexRadiation hard 8192 x 8 bit static RAM
MP03/175-12 Dynex1200V phase control dual SCR, SCR/diode module
MAR3690CB Dynex1553B bus controller/remote terminal
MAQ3690FD Dynex1553B bus controller/remote terminal
MAS28139NL DynexOBDH bus terminal
TK3612M Dynex1200V phase control thyristor
MAH28155CE DynexGeneral purpose programmable device designed for the MAS281 microprocessor
MAQ17502LS DynexRadiation hard MIL-STD-1750A control unit
MAQ3690CD Dynex1553B bus controller/remote terminal
MAS1916LE DynexRadiation hard reed-solomon & convolution encoder
DF68545 Dynex4500V fast recovery diode
MAH28151LV DynexUniversal asynchronous receicer/transmitter
ACR400SE12 Dynex1200V fast turn-off asymmetric thyristor/diode module
DSF2054SF40 Dynex4000V fast recovery diode
TF91514C Dynex1400V fast switching thyristor
MAS1916CD DynexRadiation hard reed-solomon & convolution encoder
MAS9264T95CS DynexRadiation hard 8192 x 8 bit static RAM
DS2002SF17 Dynex1700V rectifier diode
MDFB5125 Dynex2500V fast recovery diode

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