パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > ADIデータシート > ADI-78

5532HSABC OP293ES-REEL7 OP177 AD813ACHIPS AD7715AN-3 AD22151X OP113EP AD9696KQ ADG728 AD650KN OP10 ADEL2020AR-20-REEL ADG201HSKR ADP1109AAN AD976AAN AD7870BQ AD775JR AD829SE/883B AD7228ABN OP42ARC/883 AD8132ARM-REEL7 AD521K AD669AR AD7628BQ AD585 AD9761ARS SSM2211S-REEL7 AD594AQ

ADI データシートカタログ-78

AD8608AR ADI6V; precision low noise CMOS rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier. For barcode scanners, battery powered instrumnetation, multi-pole filters and sensors
AD8055AN ADI13.2V; 0.6-1.3W; low cost, 300MHz voltage feedback amplifier. For imaging, photodiode preamp, video line driver, differential line driver, professional cameras, video switches, special effects, A-to-D driver, active filters
AD5532HSABC ADI0.3-17V; 32-channel 14-bit DAC with high-speed 3-wire serial interface
OP293ES-REEL7 ADI18V; precision, micropower operational amplifier. For digital scales, strain gages, portable medical equipment, battery-powered instrumentation and temperature transducer amplifier
OP177 ADIUltra-Precision Operational Amplifier
AD813ACHIPS ADI18V; 1.6W; single supply, low power triple video amplifier. For video line driver, LCD drivers, computer video plug-in boards, ultrasound, RGB amplifier, CCD based systems
AD7715AN-3 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; CMOS, 450uA, 16-bit, sigma-delta ADC
AD22151X ADILinear Output Magnetic Field Transducer (rev. 12/97)
OP113EP ADI18V; low noise, low drift single-supply operational amplifiers. For digital scales, multimedia
AD9696KQ ADIUltrafast TTL comparators
ADG728 ADICMOS, Low Voltage, 2 Wire, Serially Controlled Single 8 to 1 Matrix Switch
AD650KN ADIVoltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage converter, gain tempco ppm/C 100 kHz 150 typ, 1 MHz linearity 0.1% max
OP10 ADIDual, Matched Instrumentation
ADEL2020AR-20-REEL ADI18V; improved second source to the EL2020
ADG201HSKR ADI44V; 470mW; LC2MOS high speed, quad SPST switche
ADP1109AAN ADIMicropower low cost adjustable DC-to-DC converter
AD976AAN ADI16-bit, 200 kSPS BiCMOS A/D converters
AD7870BQ ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS complete, 12-bit, 100kHz, sampling ADC
AD775JR ADI7V; 8-bit 20 MSPS, 60mW, sampling A/D converter
AD829SE/883B ADI18V; high-speed, low-noise video Op Amp
AD7228ABN ADI-0.3, +17V; 1000mW; LG2MOS octal 8-bit DAC
OP42ARC/883 ADI20V; high-speed, fast settling precision operational amplifier
AD8132ARM-REEL7 ADI5.5V; 250mW; low-cost, high-speed differential amplifier
AD521K ADIIntegrated circuit precision instrumentation amplifier
AD669AR ADI0.3-17V; 1000mW; monolithic 16-bit DACPORT
AD7628BQ ADI0 to +17.0V; 450mW; CMOS dual 8-bit buffered multiplying DAC. For disc drivers, programmable filters, X-Y graphics, gain/attenuation
AD585 ADIComplete monolithic SHA circuit.
AD9761ARS ADIDual 10-bit TxDAC+ with 2X interpolation filter
SSM2211S-REEL7 ADI6V; low distortion 1.5Watt audio power amplifier. For portable computers, personal wireless communicators
AD594AQ ADIMonolithic thermocouple amplifier with cold junction compensation

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