パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > ADIデータシート > ADI-47

AD795KN ADMCF341-EVALKIT AD606JCHIPS AD8138 AD1855 AD7703BQ AD7396AN AD7572 AD2S81AJP DAC10GP AD815ARB-24 OP292GP ADM705AN AD7511DIKN AD7524KN AD7543JN 5962-8980701RA AD7876TQ AD660AN AD8042AN AD674BBD ADSP-2115BS-80 AD8180AR-REEL REF194GP AD8032BR-REEL ADM802 ADP3170JRU ADDAC85

ADI データシートカタログ-47

AD7706BRU ADI0.3-7V; 3/5V, 1mW; 2/3-channel 16-bit, sigma-delta ADC
ADM1029ARQ ADI6.5V; dual PWM fan controller and temperature monitor for high availability systems
AD795KN ADILow power, low noise precision FET operational amplifier
ADMCF341-EVALKIT ADI0.3-7V; dashDSP 28-lead flash mixeed-signal DSP with enchanced analog front end
AD606JCHIPS ADI+9V; 600mW; 50MHz, 80dB demodulating logarithmic amplifier with limiter output. For ultrasound and sonar processing, phase-stable limiting amplifier to 100MHz, received signal strength indicator (RSSI)
AD8138 ADILow Distortion Differential ADC Driver
AD1855 ADIStereo, 96 kHz, Multibit Sigma Delta DAC
AD7703BQ ADI-0.3 to +6V; 450mW; LC2MOS 20-bit A/D converter. For industrial process control, weigh scales, portable instrumentation, remote data acquisition
AD7396AN ADI0.3-8V; parallel input dual 12-bit DAC. For automatic output span voltage, portable communications
AD7572 ADILC2MOS Complete, High Speed 12-Bit ADC
AD2S81AJP ADI14V; 300mW; variable resolution, monolithic resolver-to-digital converter. For DC brushless and AC motor control, process control
DAC10GP ADI10-bit high speed multiplying D/A converter (universal digital logic interface)
AD815ARB-24 ADI18V; 20mA; high output current differential driver. For ADSL, HDLS and VDSL line interface driver, coil or transformer driver
OP292GP ADI33V; dual/quad single supply operational amplifier. For disc drivers, mobile phones, servo controls
ADM705AN ADI0.3-6V; low cost supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems
AD7511DIKN ADI25V; DI CMOS protected analog switches
AD7524KN ADI0.3-17V; 450mW; CMOS 8-bit buffered multiplying DAC. For microprocessor controlled gain circuits, attenuator circuits, function generators
AD7543JN ADI0 to +7V; 670mW; CMOS serial input 12-bit DAC
5962-8980701RA ADI+-18V; 600mW; balanced modulator/demodulator
AD7876TQ ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS complete, 12-bit, 100kHz, sampling ADC
AD660AN ADI-0.3 to 17.0V; 1000mW; monolithic 16-bit serial/byte DACPORT
AD8042AN ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.3W; dual 160MHz rail-to-rail amplifier. For video switchers, distribution amplifiers, A/D driver
AD674BBD ADI0-16.5V; 825mW; complete 12-bit A/D Converter
ADSP-2115BS-80 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=0.5K, program memory=1K, 20 MHz
AD8180AR-REEL ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.6W; 750MHz, 3.8mA 10ns switching multiplexer. For pixel switching for picture-in-picture
REF194GP ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD8032BR-REEL ADI2.7V; 80MHz rail-to-rail I/O amplifier. For high speed battery-operated systems, high component density systems
ADM802 ADIMicroprocessor Supervisory Circuit
ADP3170JRU ADI0.3-15V; VRM 8.5 compatible single phase core controller. For core and 1.8V standBy supplies for next generation Intel Pentium III processors
ADDAC85-CCD-V ADI+-12V power supply; 300mW; complete low cost 12-bit A/D converter

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