パス:okデータシート > 半導体データシート > ADIデータシート > ADI-121

664 AD573JP ADSP-2101BP-80 AD812 AD705BQ AD7703AN AD841 AD7545AKR AD7890BN-2 AD7628KR AD8052AR-REEL7 AD7244JN DAC08ES-REEL ADM709LAN AD8058 AD8047AN AD641-EB AD7582TQ AD7580SQ AD7703AR AD8116 AD8037AR-REEL AD7892AN-3 ADM691AN AD14060 AD826AR OP492GBC AD1895YRSRL

ADI データシートカタログ-121

AD637SCHIPS ADI500V; 108mW; high precision, wideband true RMS-to-DC converter
AD627 ADIMicro Power Single and Dual Supply Rail-to-Rail Instrumentation Amplifier
AD664 ADIMonolithic 12-Bit Quad DAC
AD573JP ADI0-7V; 800mW; 10-bit A/D converter
ADSP-2101BP-80 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=1K, program memory=2K, 20 MHz
AD812 ADIDual, Current Feedback Low Power Op Amp
AD705BQ ADI18V; 650mW; picoampere input current bipolar Op Amp. For low frequency active filters, precision instrumentation, precision integrators
AD7703AN ADI-0.3 to +6V; 450mW; LC2MOS 20-bit A/D converter. For industrial process control, weigh scales, portable instrumentation, remote data acquisition
AD841 ADI18V; 1.4W; wideband, unity-gain stable, fast settling Op Amp. For high speed signal conditioning, video and pulse amplifiers
AD7545AKR ADICMOS 12-bit buffered multiplying DAC
AD7890BN-2 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS 8-channel, 12-bit serial, data acquisition system
AD7628KR ADI0 to +17.0V; 450mW; CMOS dual 8-bit buffered multiplying DAC. For disc drivers, programmable filters, X-Y graphics, gain/attenuation
AD8052AR-REEL7 ADI12.6V; low cost, high speed, rail-to-rail amplifier. For coax cable driver, active filter, video switches, video switches, A/D driver
AD7244JN ADI-0.3, +7V; 550mW; LC2MOS dual, complete, 12-bit serial DAC
DAC08ES-REEL ADI8-bit, high-speed, multiplying D/A converter (universal digital logic interface)
ADM709LAN ADI0.3-6V; 470-727mW; power supply monitor with reset. For microprocessor systems, computers and controllers
AD8058 ADILow Cost, Dual, High Performance Voltage Feedback, 325 MHz Amplifier
AD8047AN ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.3W; 250MHz, general purpose voltage feedback Op Amp. For low power ADC input driver, differential amplifiers, IF/RF and pulse amplifiers
AD641-EB ADI7.5V; 0.9-1.3mW; 250MHz demodulating logarithmic amplifier. For IF/RF signal processing, received signal strength indicator (RSSI), high speed signal compression
AD7582TQ ADI-0.3 to +17.0V; 1000mW; CMOS 12-bit successive approximation ADC
AD7580SQ ADI-0.3 to +7.0V; 450mW; LC2MOS 10-bit sampling A/D converter
AD7703AR ADI-0.3 to +6V; 450mW; LC2MOS 20-bit A/D converter. For industrial process control, weigh scales, portable instrumentation, remote data acquisition
AD8116 ADI200 MHz, 16 3 16 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch
AD8037AR-REEL ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.3W; low distortion, wide bandwidth voltage feedback clamp amplifier. For ADC buffer, IF/RF signal processing and high quality imaging
AD7892AN-3 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS single supply 12-bit high speed 600kSPS ADC
ADM691AN ADI0.3-6V; 400-600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
AD14060 ADI480-MFLOP, Quad DSP, 5v, CQFP Package
AD826AR ADI18V; high-speed, low-powered dual operational amplifier. For unity gain ADC/DAC buffer, cable drivers
OP492GBC ADI33V; dual/quad single supply operational amplifier. For disc drivers, mobile phones, servo controls
AD1895YRSRL ADI3.3-5.0V; 192KHz stereo asynchronous sample rate converter. For home theater systems, automotive audio systems,DVD, DVD-R, CD-R, set-top boxers, digital audio effects processors

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